This game has been proudly produced in the Italian Republic, A.D. 1992-97
Current gamekit edition produced by Chris Lawson, England 1998
1849 Credits | 4 | Operating Round | |
1849 Table of contents | 4.1 | Track Laying step | |
1849 Rules of play | 4.2 | Token Laying step | |
1 | Introduction | 4.3 | Trains Running step |
1.1 | Game Description | 4.3.1 | Routes Selecting substep |
1.2 | Game Scenarios | 4.3.2 | Revenue substep |
1.3 | Basic and Advanced Game | 4.4 | Token Acquiring step |
1.3.1 | Electric Dreams variant | 4.5 | E Token Acquiring step |
1.4 | Preparing for Play | 4.6 | Train Acquiring step |
2 | Starting Round | 4.6.1 | Emergency Money Raising substep |
2.1 | Seat Assignment step | 4.6.2 | Train Purchasing substep |
2.2 | Initial Money Assignment step | 4.6.3 | Game Phase Change step |
2.3 | Corporation Sorting step | | Messina Earthquake |
2.4 | Private Companies Assignment step | | General Notes |
2.4.1 | Initial Purchase of Private Companies | 4.6.4 | Train Acquiring step ending |
2.4.2 | Making a Bid for a Private Company | 4.7 | Financial Activities step |
2.4.3 | Private Companies Assignment example | 4.7.1 | Corporate Stock Selling substep |
2.4.4 | Failure to Sell Private Companies | 4.7.2 | Corporate Stock Buying substep |
2.4.5 | Reale Società d'Affari | 4.7.3 | Bond Interests Payment substep |
3 | Stock Round | 4.7.4 | Bond Repayment substep |
3.1 | Players' Stock Selling step | 4.7.5 | Bond Issuing substep |
3.2 | Players' Stock Buying step | 4.8 | Private Company Acquiring |
3.3 | Corporation Starting step | 5 | Standings Round |
3.3.1 | Initial Market Value Fixing substep | 6 | Glossary |
3.3.2 | Initial Emission substep | 7 | Electric Dreams Variant |
3.3.3 | Tokens Acquiring substep | ||
3.3.4 | Corporation Starting example | 1849 Appendices | |
3.4 | Stock Round Ending step | 1 | Tiles available |
3.5 | Stock General Notes | 1.1 | Yellow tiles |
3.5.1 | Stock Valuation and the Stock Market | 1.2 | Green tiles |
3.5.2 | Limit of Stock Holding | 1.3 | Brown tiles |
3.5.3 | Change of President | ||
3.5.4 | Double Last Certificate | 1849 Sequence of Play |
A player's wealth is accumulated mainly through owning shares of Stock in the several Railroad Corporations included in the game. Stock shares make money in two ways: they can provide ready cash via dividend payments and they can increase in value. The single largest Stockholder in a Corporation becomes its President and operates the Corporation, ideally, but not necessarily, for the benefit of all Stockholders.
The play of 1849 is composed of an initial routine (Starting Round), a certain number of Game Turns (each composed of a Stock Round and one to three Operating Rounds), and a final routine (Standings Round).
In the Starting Round the players receive their initial positions; in a Stock Round they have the opportunity to buy and sell Stock in Corporations; in an Operating Round they perform the various functions concerned with running a Corporation; in the Standings Round they determine the final standings.
The game ends when either:
Scenario 5 | Scenario 6 | |
Number of players | 3-4 | 4-5 |
Best number of players | 3 | 4 |
Number of Corporations | 5 | 6 |
Number of Stock Certificates in play | 40 | 48 |
Note | Number Available |
L. 1 | 30 |
L. 2 | 30 |
L. 5 | 30 |
L. 10 | 30 |
L. 20 | 30 |
L. 50 | 30 |
L. 100 | 30 |
L. 200 | 12 |
222 banknotes for a total of L. 8,040 are included with the game, distributed as shown in the table on the right. Only L. 7,760 are required so remove L. 280 before the start.
The train cards should be sorted by class and laid out on the Train Chart located on the map board. Start with the R6H cards on the right and then place each card on top and to the left of the previous card, this will allow players to see the cost and how many are left of each class during the game. Please note that some train cards are not used in Scenario 5. E Trains and Tokens are only used in the Electric Dreams variant.
The track tiles must also be laid out so as to be available for inspection and use. Only the yellow tiles are needed at first, but the others are relevant to planning for the later stages of the game and should be available for inspection.
The Corporation Charters can be placed beside the map board and the Stock Certificates are placed on the appropriate locations on the map board, with the President's Certificate on top and the Last Certificate at the bottom in each case.
Play may now commence.
Number of Players | Money Assigned To Each Player |
3 | L. 500 |
4 | L. 375 |
5 | L. 300 |
Only after all the Private Companies have been bought may the Banker begin selling stock in the Corporations. When buying stops, the player on the left of the last person to buy is given the Priority Deal card.
Name | Handle | Cost | Rev. | Notes |
Società Corriere Etnee | S.C.E. | L. 20 | L. 5 | A Corporation cannot build track in the Acireale hex until this Company is either eliminated or bought by any Corporation(5). |
Studio di Ingegneria Giuseppe Incorpora | S.I.G.I. | L. 45 | L. 10 | The owning Corporation can lay or upgrade standard gauge track at half cost on Mountain, Hill or Rough hexes. Narrow gauge track is still at normal cost. |
Compagnia Navale Mediterranea | C.N.M. | L. 75 | L. 15 | The owning Corporation can place the +L. 20 token on any port. This action closes the Company but the Corporation adds L. 20 to the revenue of the port until the end of the game(6). |
Società Marittima Siciliana | S.M.S. | L. 110 | L. 20 | The owning Corporation can place a tile and a token on a coastal city, even if that city is not connected to one of its railheads, subject to all other limitations described on rule 4.2. This action closes the Company, and is made instead of the regular Track Laying and Token Laying Steps(7). |
Reale Società d'Affari | R.S.A. | L. 150 | L. 25 | See Rule 2.4.5. |
When he / she has finished play then proceeds to the next player on his / her left until all players have passed consecutively, when the Stock Round ends with a Stock Round Ending step.
Please note that:
If no deals take place during a Stock Round, the holding player retains the Priority Deal card.
The player cannot choose the Corporation of his / her choice: he / she always gets the next available Corporation (i.e. the Presidential Certificate with the lowest Place Card).
In the game the following 6 Corporations are included:
Handle | Name | Nickname | Base | Token Fee |
A.F.G. | Azienda Ferroviaria Garibaldi | Garibaldi | See Rule 3.3.3 | L. 40 |
A.T.A. | Azienda Trasporti Archimede | Archimede | Siracusa | L. 30 |
C.T.L. | Compagnia Trasporti Lilibeo | Lilibeo | Marsala | L. 40 |
I.F.T. | Impresa Ferroviaria Trinacria | Trinacria | Catania | L. 90 |
R.C.S. | Rete Centrale Sicula | Sicula | Palermo | L. 130 |
S.F.A. | Società Ferroviaria Akragas | Akragas | Girgenti | L. 40 |
The player remains President as long as no other player accumulates a larger holding of Stock in that Corporation.
The Garibaldi can choose as its base station any vacant station space on every city on the map which does not already contain a base station of one of the five fixed-base Corporations(13). This restricts the choice between the following cities: Caltanissetta, Messina, Ragusa, Terranova, and Trapani. Before choosing Messina please read Rule
Stock valuation is changed as follows:
The Bankers should ensure that the Stock Market Chart is kept up to date.
If the Stock Market Token enters the Corporation Closed section of the Stock Market Chart then the Corporation is removed from the game along with all its tokens (Port token included) and Certificates (Private Companies included). The Shareholders do not receive any compensation, and the corporate money is returned to the Bank (the Corporation is available for starting again from the next Stock Round). The Place Cards are rearranged so the Presidential Certificate of the closed Corporation becomes the last one available.
Number of Players | Scenario 5 | Scenario 6 |
3 | 12 | - |
4 | 9 | 11 |
5 | - | 9 |
If a player acquires more than the regulation number (because of losing a Presidency) the situation must be corrected in his / her next turn of the Stock Round.
The maximum number of Stock Certificates a player may hold altogether is given in the table on the right.
When a change of control occurs there is an immediate exchange of Stock Certificates to enable the new President to hold the President's Certificate. This is a straightforward exchange, which permits both Stockholders to hold the same percentage of Stock as they did before the exchange took place.
Example: consider two players both holding 30% of the R.C.S. Corporation, with player #1 holding the President's Certificate. If player #2 bought a fourth 10% Certificate, a change of President would immediately take place as player #2's holdings now exceed the President's, 40% to 30%. Player #1 passes the President's Certificate to player #2 in exchange for two 10% Certificates, and passes the Corporation Charter with all its assets.
A player can relinquish his / her position as President in any situation where the necessary amount of Stock can be sold (i.e., no more than 50% of the total shares will appear in the Bank Pool), and provided there is another Stockholder holding at least two 10% (or one 20%) Certificates. He / she announces the sale of his / her Stock, exchanges Certificates with the new President, and then places the ordinary Certificates in the Bank Pool. A Presidency cannot be transferred in cases where there is no other Stockholder holding more than one 10% Certificate.
A President's Certificate may never appear in the Bank Pool. Thus, once a President's Certificate is obtained by any player, it will be held by one player for the rest of the game (exception: Rule 4.6.1). An exchange of Stock Certificates may well result in the out going President holding more Certificates than normally allowed. In such cases, the excess must be sold in the President's next Stock Selling step.
In most cases, the new President is simply the largest Stockholder. If several players have the same Stockholding after the former President has sold Stock (and they now each hold more than the former President) the office passes to the player who is next in line to the left of the old President.
When a single and a double Certificate are both in the Bank Pool or in the Corporate Treasury the Last Certificate has always to be put at the bottom of the stack(15).
During an Operating round each Corporation may:
The Corporations take their turns in order, beginning with the one with the highest current market value. The Banker examines the Stock Market to determine which share has the highest value. This Corporation operates first, then the next highest value, and so on. When tokens are in the same space of the Stock Market, the Corporation whose token is on top operates first. When shares have the same value but in different columns, the Corporation whose token is furthest to the right operates first.
These activities must be carried out in the order given. Any that are optional may be skipped. In addition to these activities, a Corporation can buy from a player one or more Private Company at any time during its Operating Round, giving the money to the player.
Any purchase must be made with available funds. Credit is not allowed, even to the end of the same turn. For example, the money required to lay a tile in a mountain hexagon must be available in the Treasury. Revenues are not available until the Train Running substep, and thus cannot be spent on track construction until next turn.
During the later stages of the game the scope for corporate activities expands steadily because of the availability of larger trains that can travel a greater distance and thus earn more revenue per turn, and of more complex designs of track tiles that produce routes that are more elaborate and that also raise city revenue values.
The sequence of routines changes in the later stages of the game, when first two and then three Operating Rounds are performed between each Stock Round. All these changes are directly linked to the types of trains in use.
Each Corporation that is operating may lay one tile during this step. At first, only yellow tiles are available and these may be placed only on light green areas of the board. The tile and position chosen must constitute an extension of a route already available to the Corporation building it. The new track must be connected ultimately to a city position occupied by a token of the Corporation. (In the case of tiles that portray two different pieces of track, it is only necessary for one of them to form a legal extension.)
There is only one exception to the rule requiring a tile placement to be an extension of an existing route: the hexagons containing the base tokens of a Corporation. If a hexagon is occupied by one of its tokens, the Corporation may place an appropriate yellow tile on it, regardless of connections.
A tile may not be placed so that:
Narrow Gauge | Standard Gauge | |
Plains | L. 0 | L. 0 |
Rough | L. 10 | L. 40 |
Hills | L. 20 | L. 80 |
Mountains | L. 40 | L. 160 |
A tile MAY be placed so that it terminates against a track of a different gauge, but no route can be traced between the two tiles.
Tiles may be laid on plain hexagons without charge but laying a tile on other kind of hexagons has a cost, which is depicted in the table on the right:
These charges are paid AGAIN if the tile is upgraded later in the game.
The standard gauge tile laying and replacing costs are halved if the Corporation currently owns the S.I.G.I. Private Company.
Tiles with both gauges represented are laid at narrow gauge rates only if ALL the NEW track is narrow gauge(16).
Type of Station | Representation on the Map | Representation on the Tiles |
Town | One black dot | One black cross-bar |
City | One circle | One circle / two tangent circles |
Tiles of the correct type must represent Cities portrayed on the board as reported on the table on the right.
Tiles representing towns or cities may not be placed on other locations.
Catania, Messina, Palermo, and Siracusa are special cases and will be dealt with separately.
When green tiles become available they may, in general, be used to replace yellow tiles that are already on the board. A replacement must maintain all existing tracks, alterations being additions to what was previously depicted. Similarly, when brown tiles become available, they may be used to replace green tiles. A list of all legal replacements is given in the appendices for reference.
A Corporation may only replace a tile if it can trace a legal train route of any length from one of its station markers to and along one of the NEW track segments on the new tile, or increase the value of a city it can run to on the new tile(17). This does not require that the route is actually in use, or even could be used with a train able to travel a sufficient distance, but it must not be closed to the Corporation.
Yellow and green tiles, which have been replaced, are available for re-use. Replacing a tile is an alternative to laying a new tile.
Certain green tiles are not used as replacements for yellow tiles, but are placed on specific yellow hexagons of the board. They are tiles that are specific to the positions of Catania, Messina, Palermo, or Siracusa and designated C, M, P, and S respectively.
These tiles may not be used on any other locations, nor may ordinary tiles be
laid on these positions on the board. The orientation of these tiles is
restricted by the rules requiring the maintenance of existing track.
Now look at the figure on the right:
A Corporation may place additional tokens from the Corporation Charter on any permitted location FOR NO COST(18). A permitted location is any city, which is connected by a legal route (however long) to a Railhead. Note there must be a vacant space to receive the token on the city concerned. Some city tiles have space for more than one token. In these cases, the city remains open to all until both spaces are occupied. Tokens may not be placed to block the base city of a Corporation that is not yet in operation. Two tokens of the same Corporation may never be placed on the same hexagon. A Corporation may place only one token during this step.
A Corporation may run routes into a city, which is occupied by other tokens, but such a city may only serve as a terminus; the route may not extend past the city. This restriction also applies to the placing of tokens themselves. A Corporation may not place a token on a city that can only be reached by passing through a city, which is entirely blocked by other Corporation's tokens.
The requirement for a legal route between the new token and a Railhead is waived if the Corporation owns the S.M.S. Private Company and the city is on the coast (every city, Caltanissetta and Ragusa excepted, is on the coast).
Example: the C.T.L. Corporation, with a current market value of L. 144, will have its token moved to the right only with a dividend greater than L. 144.
Wealth being the objective of the game, and Corporation revenue being one of the principal methods of gaining wealth, it follows that the planning of remunerative routes and the provision of trains to run them is of paramount significance to the strategy of this game.
When two or more routes are being run in the same turn by the same Corporation (i.e., two or more trains are operating) they must all be separate along their entire length, except that they may meet or cross at stations, or use two independent tracks on the same tile.
Every route used by a Corporation must include at least one city occupied by that Corporation's token. Initially, such a city is very likely to be the Corporation's base city, but as the game progresses, Corporations may operate from other cities that provide the base for routes that are more lucrative.
The large number on a train card indicates the length of route it may run in terms of the number of standard gauge hexagons involved. The starting hex does not count, while narrow gauge hexes count as two. Thus, a 4H Train may only pass through four hexes. Similarly, a 16H train may pass up through sixteen hexes. A train may be used on a shorter route than the maximum allowed if desired or when a maximum route does not exist. Note also that the arrow connection on the ports counts as a hexagon.
The R6H train counts as one the narrow gauge hexes, and the standard gauge hexes as two.
All trains count the double gauge hexes as one.
Gauges can be changed only at a station.
A route must include at least two cities or towns (ports do not count for this rule). A route can include any number of cities, towns and ports. A route must include at least one city (with the Corporation's token) and one city / town. This means that, for example, the R.C.S. cannot run a train from the city of Palermo to the port of Palermo.
Examples (see the map): during Phase Ten an 8H train belonging to the C.T.L. Corporation, given the situation in the map, could travel along the standard gauge line from the city of Palermo to Partinico (two hexes), Alcamo (three hexes), Castelvetrano (five hexes), Mazzara (seven hexes), and finally to Marsala, for a total of eight standard gauge hexes and L. 160 of revenue. Another 8H train could start from Palermo and travel to Partinico along the narrow gauge line (two hexes), and Marsala (through the narrow gauge line) for a total of eight hexes and L. 130 of revenue. Please note that the train cannot enter Marsala at standard gauge rate, even if Marsala is double gauge, because a train can change gauge only at a station. In a different situation, a R6H train could start from Palermo and proceed through the narrow gauge line to Partinico (one hex) and Marsala (four hexes), and then to Trapani (one double gauge hex) for a total of five hexes and L. 160 of revenue.
Moving a train from Palermo to Partinico (or viceversa) through the standard gauge line costs two hexes to a normal train, and four hexes to an R6H train, while moving a train between the same two cities through the narrow gauge line costs one hex to an R6H train, and two hexes to a normal train.
(Electric Dreams variant only)
E Trains have an unlimited movement capability on standard gauge lines, but can never run along narrow gauge lines.
Example: a train running a route through cities of 30, 20 and 20 revenue values would earn L. 70 revenue.
The highest legal revenue that can be demonstrated must be collected, although sharp-eyed players are not required to point out a higher possible revenue than claimed.
Three sets of revenue points are shown on the grey cities. The lower figure (in the white box) is used during Phases Four and Six, the middle figures (in the grey box) during Phases Eight and Ten, and the higher figures (in the black box) during Phases Twelve and Sixteen.
The President decides whether the revenue should be paid as dividends or diverted into the Corporate Treasury. If a dividend is paid, the total earnings from all the trains owned by the Corporation are paid out to the Stockholders (10% for each 10% Stock held). The Corporation receives the payment due any Stock in the Corporate Treasury, while nobody gets payments due any Stock in the Bank Pool(19).
Example: consider a Corporation where the President owns 50% of the Stock, 20% remains unsold in the Corporate Treasury and 30% is in the Bank Pool. If the Corporation's revenue is L. 50 and a dividend is declared, the player holding 50% receives L. 25, L. 10 goes into the Corporation's treasury, and the other L. 15 remains in the Bank.
If no dividend is paid, the entire earnings are passed to the Corporation. The Stock valuation is then adjusted on the Stock Market as per Rule 3.5.1.
(Electric Dreams variant only)
The revenue of major cities (Catania, Messina, Palermo, and Siracusa) is doubled when using an E Train.
In this step, a Corporation can buy the rights for a city from another Corporation, for at least L. 1, if a hypothetical train can travel between a railhead of the buying Corporation to the selected city. The acquiring Corporation's token is substituted for the other token, which is moved back to its Corporation's tokens pool. Base tokens cannot be bought from another Corporation.
Phase | First E Token | Subsequent E Tokens |
12 | L. 1,100 | L. 800 |
16 | L. 800 | L. 550 |
During this step a Corporation can buy one E token, but only if:
A Corporation that possesses an E Token is allowed to buy E Trains up to the usual train limit.
E Tokens cannot be traded in any way between Corporations. The only way a Corporation can own an E Token is by purchasing one from the Bank.
Class | Number in Scenario 5 | Number in Scenario 6 | Cost |
4H | 4 | 4 | L. 100 |
6H | 3 | 4 | L. 200 |
8H | 2 | 3 | L. 350 |
10H | 2 | 2 | L. 550 |
12H | 1 | 1 | L. 800 |
16H | 4 | 5 | L. 1,100 |
E(20) | 6 | 6 | L. 550 |
R6H | 2 | 2 | L. 350 |
Trains are bought from the Bank in order of increasing size. The smallest, the 4Hs, are bought first. When all these have been sold the 6Hs become available, then the 8Hs etc.
Here on the right you can see a complete list of the number of trains of each type.
Depending on the game Phase currently in effect, a Corporation may own a specified maximum number of trains.
A Corporation that finds itself with excess trains, must immediately return the surplus to the Bank. No payment is made for them, but they may be re-sold by the Bank as an alternative to whatever other trains are on offer (if they are of a type still in use). Re-sale is at face value.
Example: during Phase Eight of the game a Corporation owning two 8H trains may buy the first 10H train offered because prior to this sale the Corporation was allowed to hold three trains. Immediately after the purchase, however, the Corporation must return one of its trains to the Bank as it is now over the new train limit of two.
Example: during Phase Twelve of the game a Corporation owning two 8H trains may not buy the first 16H train offered because of the train limit of two, even if the beginning of Phase Sixteen would eliminate the 8H trains.
Trains may be purchased either from the Bank at face value or from another Corporation at any mutually agreed price. Whenever a Corporation purchases a train from another the transfer takes place in the purchaser's turn. Corporations may buy trains from each other for at least L. 1.
Any Corporation that is operating must have at least one train during its turn of an Operating Round unless there is no route available on which it could possibly run. Otherwise, a Corporation that begins its turn of an Operating Round without a train must purchase one during that turn.
The Corporation cannot sell any Stock Certificate from its Corporate Treasury during this substep.
If the money is not enough the Corporation has to declare bankruptcy and is removed from the game along with all its tokens (Port token included) and Certificates (Private Companies included). The Shareholders do not receive any compensation, and the corporate money is returned to the Bank (the Corporation is available for starting again from the next Stock Round). The Place Cards are rearranged so the Presidential Certificate of the closed Corporation becomes the last one available.
In case of bankruptcy, the unlucky President's properties are likely to be reduced to zero. In this case he / she can either leave the game (finishing with L. 0) or take a L. 500 loan from the Bank. In the latter case L. 750 will be subtracted from his / her properties during the Standings Round.
(Electric Dreams variant only)
A Corporation can buy an E Train only if it currently possess an E Token.
The following table depicts all the game changes:
Phase | Game Start/4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 16 |
Tiles | Yellow | Yellow and Green | All | |||
Starting Values | L. 68 and L. 100 | L. 68, L. 100 and L. 144 | All | |||
Operating Rounds in each Game Turn(21) | 1 | 2 | 3 | |||
Eliminated train class | None | None | 4H | 6H | None | 8H |
Available train classes | 4H | 6H | 8H | 10H | 12H, E(22) | 16H, R6H(23) |
Train limit for each Corporation | 4 | 3 | 2 | |||
Values scored for the grey cities | Lowest (white box) | Middle (grey box) | Highest (black box) | |||
Private companies | Can be brought(24) by Corporations | Eliminated | ||||
Miscellanea | Messina Earthquake(25) | Stock Market Tokens can advance in the Blue Zone |
If the A.F.G. - Garibaldi Corporation chose Messina as its base station and the Corporation does not have another station marker on another city, the Corporation is removed from the game as per Rule 4.6.1.
In order to sell one or more Stock Certificates the Corporation has to perform the following activities:
If the Corporation has issued its Bond, it pays L. 50 to the Bank. If the Corporate Treasury does not contain enough money to cover this payment, an Emergency Money Raising has to be performed (see Rule 4.6.1).
If issued, the Corporation may repay its Bond, paying L. 500 from the Corporate Treasury to the Bank.
If the Corporate Treasury does not contain at least L. 500 (or if the Bond has not been issued) this step cannot be performed.
After repaying the Bond the Stock Market Token of the Corporation is moved one column right. The repaid Bond is put back on the Corporation Charter, from where it can be re-issued.
The Corporation can issue its Bond, receiving L. 500 from the Bank.
After issuing the Bond the Stock Market Token of the Corporation is moved one column left.
Issued Bonds are placed in the Bank Pool.
A Corporation can buy from a player one or more Private Companies at any time during its Operating Round, giving the money to the player(26).
A Private Company cannot be traded once it belongs to a Corporation.
The trading price can be set anywhere between L. 1 and the double of the face value.
If a Corporation's market value reaches L. 377 the game ends at the end of the Operating Round of the CURRENTLY OPERATING Corporation. Corporations that have not yet operated for this Operating Round lose their turns. If a Corporation's market value reaches L. 377 at the end of a Stock Round, the game still ends after the Operating Round of the first Corporation with a value of L. 377.
If the Bank runs out of money the game ends on the completion of the sequence of Operating Rounds that are currently in progress (i.e., at the point at which the next Stock Round would otherwise begin), unless a Corporation's market value first reaches L. 377, in which case the game ends after the Operating Round of the Corporation whose Stock is valued at L. 377. If the Bank is depleted during a Stock Round, the sequence of events must be played out to the end of the next series of Operating Rounds. For example, if the Bank runs out of money in a Stock Round, the Stock Round and the number of Operating Rounds which would normally take place must be completed before the game is ended. If the Bank runs out during the first Operating Round of three, complete this Operating Round and the two remaining. During this time all payouts that cannot be met from the Bank should be recorded on paper and added to the players' scores at the end of the game. If preferred, all players may be asked to contribute an equal sum of the Bank to allow normal payouts to continue.
When the game ends, the players determine their wealth by summing up the value of all their possessions (money and Corporation Stock). Corporate money and trains do not count, while L. 750 have to be subtracted for each loan obtained from the Bank as per Rule 4.5.1, down to a minimum final position of L. 0.
The wealthiest player wins.
(Advanced Game only)
If a Corporation has not repaid its Bond (if previously issued) the value of each of its 10% Shares is lowered by L. 100, down to a minimum of L. 0.
Bond, Available. A Bond currently located on its Corporation Charter. An available Bond can be issued during the Operating Round / Bond Issuing Step by putting it in the Bank Pool and taking in exchange L. 500 into the Corporate Treasury.
Bond, Issued. A Bond currently located in the Bank Pool. An issued Bond can be repaid during the Operating Round / Bond Repaying Step by putting it on the Corporation Charter and giving in exchange L. 500 to the Bank. Issued Bonds subtract L. 100 from the value of each 10% Share at the end of the game.
Corporate money. All the money owned by a Corporation.
Corporate Stock. All the Stock Certificates owned by a Corporation.
Corporation Charter. The place where a Corporation keeps all its assets. The tokens, trains (when these have been acquired), Stock, and money in the Treasury are placed in the appropriate positions on the Corporation Charter. The tokens available and the number and type of trains owned must be clearly visible for inspection by other players. The money may be kept in a stack, but other players can verify the amount. It is very important that these funds be kept strictly separate from the player's own reserve of cash. Consequently, Corporate funds must always be held on the Corporation Charter.
Personal money. All the money owned by a player. Other players can freely verify the amount.
Personal Stock. All the Stock Certificates owned by a player.
Place Cards. Used during the game to indicate the order that the Corporations become available. Only the Presidential Certificate with the lowest Place Card may be purchased. The Place Card is removed once the associated Presidential Certificate has been purchased.
Here are the new rules:
(2) Old hands note: yes, the Corporations start in a fixed order, like in 1835. The order changes in every game, and as soon as the Presidential Certificate of a Corporation is bought, the following is immediately available.
(3) So each scenario 5 game will have one of six different sets of Corporations.
(4) Actually you have two "Bankers", so the most experienced player should do this activity.
(5) Old Hands note: this Private Company works exactly like the SVN&RR in 1830. Its practical effect will be to balance the game by slowing the development of the very strong Catania based Corporations.
(6) Old Hands note: this Private Company works almost exactly like the Great Lakes Shipping Company in 1856. The difference is that in 1856 the Port Token is eliminated at the beginning of phase 5, while here it is permanent.
(7) Old Hands note: this Private Company works exactly like the D&H in 1830, with the limit that the "teleport" must be done on a coastal city. Most cities on the map (the notable exceptions are Caltanissetta and Ragusa) are on the coast.
(8) Old Hands note: this works like the B&O in 1830.
(9) Old Hands note: in your turn you can first sell, then buy, unlike in 1830 where you can buy and sell in either order.
(10) So in the Stock Round in which it is started a Corporation cannot have its Stock sold. Please note that this applies even during the Financial step of the first Operating Round of the Corporation, when the Corporation cannot sell its own Stock because it has not yet finished a complete Operating Round.
(11) Old hands note: in 1849 there is not a par value like in 1830. All Stock transactions are always done at current market value.
(12) So if you sell a 20% Certificate the token is lowered two rows.
(13) This does not change in scenario 5, when if the Garibaldi is in play one of the fixed-base Corporation will not be in play. Even if a fixed-base Corporation is not in play its base cannot be chosen for the Garibaldi.
(14) This means that if a 20% Certificate is sold the token is moved two rows down.
(15) So you can never buy a Last Certificate if there is a Standard Certificate still available on the market. You can of course buy a "Last" from the Bank Pool if there is still a "Standard" on the Corporate Treasury, or vice-versa.
(16) So the substitution of a standard gauge yellow town hex with a mixed gauge green town hex has to be paid at narrow gauge rate, because all the new track on the new tile is at narrow gauge, while the substitution of a mixed gauge yellow city with a mixed gauge green city has to be paid at full cost, as at least part of the new track is at standard gauge. Brown double gauge tiles have always to be paid at full cost.
(17) Old Hands note: tiles upgrading works exactly like in 1870.
(18) The tokens are paid for during the Corporation Starting step.
(19) Old Hands note: this works like in 1870, and exactly in the opposite way as 1830 and 1856.
(20) Electric Dreams variant only.
(21) From the next Game Turn.
(22) E Tokens and E Trains are available after the sale of the 12H Train (Electric Dreams variant only).
(23) R6H Trains are available only after the sale of the first 16H Train.
(24) See Rule 4.8.
(25) See Rule
(26) This transaction can be useful to the Corporation, to the player or to both depending on the trading price, the usefulness of the special feature of the Private Company for the Corporation and the general situation. Old Hands note: this rule works exactly like in 1830.
Tile | Avail. | Green Substitutions | Map Prerequisites |
3 | 4 | 680, 682, 684, 685, 701 | Town |
4 | 4 | 683, 687, 690, 691 | Town |
7 | 4 | 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 624 | Plains, rough, hills, mountains |
8 | 10 | 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 710, 711, 712 | Plains, rough, hills, mountains |
9 | 6 | 23, 24, 26, 27, 713, 714, 715 | Plains, rough, hills, mountains |
58 | 4 | 681, 686, 688, 700, 702, 703 | Town |
73 | 4 | 681, 684, 685, 687, 688, 700 | Town |
74 | 3 | 682, 686, 690, 691 | Town |
77 | 4 | 650, 692, 693, 694, 695, 708, 709, 710, 712, 713 | Plains, rough, hills, mountains |
78 | 10 | 677, 678, 694, 695, 699, 708, 709, 710, 712, 713 | Plains, rough, hills, mountains |
79 | 7 | 677, 678, 692, 693, 711, 714, 715 | Plains, rough, hills, mountains |
644 | 2 | 661, 663, 664, 665, 666, 668, 669, 671, 705, 706, 707 | City |
645 | 2 | 660, 662, 664, 665, 668, 669, 670, 704, 705, 706 | City |
657 | 2 | 662, 663, 666, 667, 670, 671, 704, 705, 706, 707 | City |
658 | 2 | 661, 662, 664, 665, 667, 668, 669, 671, 704, 705 | City |
659 | 2 | 661, 662, 664, 665, 667, 668, 669, 671, 704, 705 | City |
679 | 2 | 680, 683, 689, 701, 702, 703 | Town |
Tile | Avail. | Brown Subst. | Yellow Prereq. |
23 | 3 | 41 | 8, 9 |
24 | 3 | 42 | 8, 9 |
25 | 2 | 40 | 8 |
26 | 1 | 42 | 7, 9 |
27 | 1 | 41 | 7, 9 |
28 | 1 | 39 | 7, 8 |
29 | 1 | 39 | 7, 8 |
30 | 1 | 42 | 7, 8 |
31 | 1 | 41 | 7, 8 |
624 | 1 | 39 | 7 |
650 | 1 | 647 | 77 |
651 | 1 | 652 | Palermo |
653 | 1 | 654 | Catania |
655 | 1 | 656 | Messina |
660 | 1 | 672 | 645, 659 |
661 | 1 | 672 | 644, 658 |
662 | 1 | 672 | 645, 657, 658 |
663 | 1 | 672 | 644, 657, 659 |
664 | 1 | 673 | 644, 645, 658, 659 |
665 | 1 | 673 | 644, 645, 658, 659 |
666 | 1 | 673 | 644, 657, 659 |
667 | 1 | 673 | 657, 658, 659 |
668 | 1 | 674 | 644, 645, 658, 659 |
669 | 1 | 674 | 644, 645, 658, 659 |
670 | 1 | 674 | 645, 657, 658, 659 |
671 | 1 | 674 | 644, 645, 657, 658 |
675 | 1 | 676 | Siracusa |
677 | 3 | 648 | 78, 79 |
678 | 3 | 649 | 78, 79 |
680 | 1 | 697 | 3, 679 |
681 | 1 | 697 | 58, 73 |
Tile | Avail. | Brown Subst. | Yellow Prereq. |
682 | 1 | 697 | 3, 74 |
683 | 1 | 697 | 4, 679 |
684 | 1 | 698 | 3, 73 |
685 | 1 | 698 | 3, 73 |
686 | 1 | 698 | 58, 74 |
687 | 1 | 698 | 4, 73 |
688 | 1 | 696 | 58, 73 |
689 | 1 | 696 | 3, 679 |
690 | 1 | 696 | 4, 74 |
691 | 1 | 696 | 4, 74 |
692 | 1 | 649 | 77, 79 |
693 | 1 | 648 | 77, 79 |
694 | 1 | 647 | 77, 78 |
695 | 1 | 647 | 77, 78 |
699 | 2 | 646 | 78 |
700 | 1 | 697 | 58, 73 |
701 | 1 | 697 | 3, 679 |
702 | 1 | 698 | 58, 679 |
703 | 1 | 698 | 58, 679 |
704 | 1 | 674 | 645, 657, 658, 659 |
705 | 1 | 674 | 644, 645, 657, 658 |
706 | 1 | 673 | 644, 645, 657 |
707 | 1 | 673 | 644, 657, 659 |
708 | 1 | 649 | 77, 78 |
709 | 1 | 648 | 77, 78 |
710 | 1 | None | 8, 78 |
711 | 1 | None | 8, 79 |
712 | 1 | None | 8, 78 |
713 | 1 | None | 9, 78 |
714 | 1 | None | 9, 79 |
715 | 1 | None | 9, 79 |
Tile | Avail. | Green Prereq. |
39 | 1 | 28, 29, 624 |
40 | 1 | 25 |
41 | 1 | 23, 27, 31 |
42 | 1 | 24, 26, 30 |
646 | 1 | 650, 694, 695 |
647 | 1 | 699 |
648 | 1 | 677, 693, 709 |
649 | 1 | 678, 692, 708 |
652 | 1 | 651 |
Tile | Avail. | Green Prereq. |
654 | 1 | 653 |
656 | 1 | 655 |
672 | 1 | 660, 661, 662, 663 |
673 | 2 | 664, 665, 666, 667, 706, 707 |
674 | 2 | 668, 669, 670, 671, 704, 705 |
676 | 1 | 675 |
696 | 3 | 688, 689, 690, 691 |
697 | 2 | 680, 681, 682, 683, 700, 701 |
698 | 2 | 684, 685, 686, 687, 702, 703 |
Phase | Game Start/4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 16 |
Tiles | Yellow | Yellow and Green | All | |||
Starting Values | L. 68 and L. 100 | L. 68, L. 100 and L. 144 | All | |||
Operating Rounds in each Game Turn | 1 | 2 | 3 | |||
Eliminated train class | None | None | 4H | 6H | None | 8H |
Available train classes | 4H | 6H | 8H | 10H | 12H, E | 16H, R6H |
Train limit for each Corporation | 4 | 3 | 2 | |||
Values scored for the grey cities | Lowest (white box) | Middle (grey box) | Highest (black box) | |||
Private companies | Can be brought by Corporations | Eliminated | ||||
Miscellanea | Messina Earthquake | Stock Market Tokens can advance in the Blue Zone |
Return to | 1849 | the Platform |
This page is maintained by Chris Lawson ( Last Updated 27th November 1998